What is Beard Oil?

Amber nectar for your man mane, but what is beard oil and why should you use it? 

The health and conditioning properties of a good beard oil are phenomenal. Once you start using beard oil your coarse facial hair will become more supple, shiny and considerably easier to style. Fortify those follicles. 

A typical beard oil will contain a blend of naturally sourced oils referred to as 'carrier oils' which bring varied benefits plus a mixture of essential and/or fragrance oils for scent.

"The job of beard oil is to replace lost oils, keeping your skin nourished and providing the perfect base for a healthy beard"

The main purpose of beard oil however is to nourish the skin and maintain moisture. Wearing a beard and living life takes a toll on your face - exposure to the elements strip your face of its natural oils, the sebum. As they grow, beard hairs need feeding and absorb the skin's natural oils. The job of beard oil is to replace these lost oils, keeping your skin nourished and providing the perfect base for a healthy beard.

Many carrier oils used in beard oil have different properties and benefits however Jojoba Oil is the closest to the skin's natural sebum and is perfect to replenish your skin's lost oils. Other carrier oils provide a wealth of benefits so it's worth investigating what's in your favourite beard oil product. 

Many bearded chaps suffer from the 'itchy' phase at some point whilst growing their beard. This is caused by longer beards absorbing all your skin's sebum whilst it grows causing excess dry skin - an important factor of beard oil is that it helps prevent this itchiness. If your skin is healthy and nourished throughout beard growth this will help prevent the dreaded 'breadruff' caused by facial irritation and scratching. 

"An important factor of beard oil is that it helps prevent itchiness"

It's an exciting time. Beard oils now come in all shapes and sizes and have many varied ingredients and scents. Everyone's skin is different so find the beard oil blend that works for you.

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